
Why Speak?

Why Speak?

Survey after survey has consistently listed 'Public Speaking' as most people's greatest fears - even more than death!
Jerry Seinfeld once said, "Given the option at a funeral, many people would opt for the box rather than give the eulogy!"
However, if you are going to advance in your job or, if in business for yourself and want to grow it, the odds are you'll be asked, and should accept, opportunities to speak. You'll actually want to seek out and find those opportunities.
One of the qualities we look for in our leaders is the ability to speak, and speak well, in front of an audience. Some do, many do not.  you don't have to look any further than President Obama or Sarah Palin to see the power of being a great speaker.
If you speak and make presentations, the perception is that you are an expert.
Perception is reality.
All things being equal, people would rather hire and deal with experts.  I feel that way and am sure you do, also.
Also, if you never speak in front of groups, the skills and ability to do so are very much worth having.
For one thing, your one-on-one communication, and speaking in small groups, will greatly improve.  I know you do that.
Also, because making presentations takes most of us out of our comfort zone, having this skill makes our comfort zone larger. Improving self-confidence is always a good thing and will give an individual the impetus to go after other goals.
So.... Speak!

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