
7 Tips on Search Engine Optimization Strategies

7 Tips on Search Engine Optimization Strategies

The following search engine strategies are consistently employed by SEO experts; it would be advisable to follow the tactics carefully.
Even though grasping the strategies of that SEO utilizes can be confusing, certain basic search engine optimization practice are essential before you attempt to start your personal SEO-related activity.
1. Include metatags.
Simple lines of code at the top of your page are called metatags. Metatags relay information about your web page to the search engine. The following metatags need to be included:
Title (make your title 7 words or less and be sure to create a unique name)
Keywords/words that appear repeatedly on your page
Description/summary of your article
Robots tag (a tag that instructs search engines to read all, or certain parts, of your website.
2. Create, or update, your sitemap.
A site map will effectively give search engines the information it needs to crawl through your entire website. The key to improving search engine results is to make it easy for your website pages to be located and crawled. There is free software on the web (like that helps you generate a sitemap. After that, you can submit your website to Google and Yahoo. Don't forget to place a link to the site map on your home page.
3. Make sure that all navigation is in HTML format.
Too often I see navigation in the form of java script or images. Even though the navigation technically still works in the form of java script or images, it's not optimized. HTML will consistently build internal links throughout your website by keeping the navigation constant and easily identified by search engines.
4. Check that all images include ALT text.
Your image alt text is spidered by search engines. If you're not including your keywords in your alt text, you are missing out on opportunities for optimal search engine placement. Be sure to label your images appropriately--they may even show up as the number one result on Google! If you need help finding images, Google has a database of images (Google Image Search) that indexes pictures.
5. Use Flash content in a discriminating manner.
Some webmasters like to use flash because of the dynamic presentation. It's okay to use sparingly, but only after your site has been properly optimized with basic SEO.
6. Make sure that important page elements are in HTML format.
Web page crawlers only look at your source code. Anything you've put together using an image or other multimedia component is likely to be invisible to search engines. Therefore, the most important elements of your page, where the heart of your content is presented, should be presented in W3C optimized HTML source code.
7. Place keywords in your page content in the correct manner.
It is imperative to place the correct keywords/keyword phrases of your subject matter throughout your web page. Make sure you repeat these keywords/keyword phrases several times throughout your content. Additionally, include your keywords/keyword phrases in headers and sub-heads. Or, to put it another way, your keywords/keyword phrases should be contained in an h1, h2, or h3 tag.
If you adhere to the above-mentioned principles outlined above, you are off to a great start to optimizing your website for search engines. Don't forget to prioritize the pages that are the most crucial to optimize-you don't have to do all your pages at one time. Start with the most important pages and do secondary content after that. Good luck!
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